Being HR Specialist in Call Center

Being an HR Specialist in the Call Center

” From MT Perspective 🙂 ”

As an HR person who started his career as a customer representative in one of Turkey’s leading call centers and had the chance to practice his profession after climbing the career ladder, I know more or less what Human Resources (sorry, should I say Human Resources) looks like from the perspective of a Customer Representative 🙂

I would like to share a few sweet sayings that Customer Representatives have among themselves about HR people:

“Human Resources is always on break, dear, they wander around with their computer in hand…”

“The work they do shouldn’t be too difficult; They are just giving advice to someone…”

“However, dear, I can hire someone too! It’s just a few questions… Besides, they have the questions ready to ask, they read them on paper, so what will happen, I will choose the luckiest one among the candidates…”

“Our instructors are so sweet and their motivation is always high… After each training, my career goal oscillates between being an Instructor and a Team Leader…”

“Speaking of career, they also do a few tests for those with high performance and then they can be promoted to positions such as Instructor and Team Leader. HR people call it “role play” or what, that’s what they do to the candidates, I guess it’s like watching a nice theatre…”

“You know, HR people calculate the salaries, they must be getting the highest salary… By the way, my salary has been paid, did they deduct more from my salary again because it was the end of the year… They were saying that the tax increases at the end of the year; But I still object, let me find out…”

“The e-mail arrived, there is a great event again, how lucky the HR team is, they have so much fun while preparing the event… I wish I was an HR person too 🙂”

As in every professional field, there are invisible parts of the iceberg in Human Resources. Even the reflections on the visible part can be misleading. There are many difficulties experienced by HR professionals whose business lives seem perfect in every sense from the perspective of a Customer Representative; Unfulfilled targets, negativities experienced, being a difficult bridge between the employee and the employer, the responsibilities of legal processes, and many more…

As I finish my article, I would like to point out this; No matter what profession we do, unfortunately, we do not have the chance to see all the dynamics without getting involved in the job, or, in professional words, “putting on that shirt”.

No matter how good our empathy skills are, we can only truly understand something when we experience it…

Gulbahar Gurbuz

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