Being HR Specialist in the Call Center

Being an HR Specialist in the Call Center

” From HR Perspective 🙂 ”

We took photos of HR people from the Customer Representative’s Perspective. Now, let’s examine what is happening in the Call Center from the perspective of HR people. I would like to start with a few sweet sayings that I have witnessed or experienced personally:

“A new project is coming, I need to make urgent recruitment planning, but when I evaluate the recruitment capacity in that region, I see that the number of candidates is not sufficient according to the resources we have. We need to reach more candidates from different sources; But time is very limited, how can I hire so many people in such a short time, I need to have a magic wand in my hand…”

“I can’t believe it, only 20% of the candidates we were looking for attended the interview, they were so interested and willing when we invited them on the phone…”

“So, are there any layoffs, but no way, turnover will rise again, it looks like we won’t be able to hit the target this year either… 🙁 ”

“The end of the month is approaching, which means it is another payroll period… The payrolls of thousands of our employees need to be calculated without any errors… A complete team effort and working day and night is required; Eid holidays, public holidays are ignored, payroll is a sensitive issue, salaries must be calculated and deposited on time… Let’s put on our glasses, let’s get to work, we have to work very hard… It is already 22:00, who will order pizza from outside, we are so hungry… 🙂

“Now the end of the year is approaching, internal customer satisfaction surveys will be conducted, I wonder what the level of employee satisfaction will be, it is a very exciting process, I hope we can get good results…”

“Speaking of the end of the year, we have not yet decided where we will hold the New Year’s Eve party, we are running late, we need to make an announcement as soon as possible and keep the participation rate high. We have a lot of work to do; Transportation coordination of thousands of employees, bringing and taking the employees to the entertainment venue without any problems, ensuring that they have fun, providing nice treats, taking lots of photos, ending the night and receiving information that everyone has reached their homes without any problems, and at best, sleeping at 04:00 at night… “I wish I had chosen another profession, what would it be like to be an HR person… (bluffing :))”

Being an HR person in a Call Center is a difficult job; Due to the industry, decisions are made very quickly and change is constant. A good HR person has the mission of being a strategic partner of the employer and the goal of harmonizing these changes with the organization, directly or indirectly. While implementing this goal, our expectation from HR professionals is; The aim is to first pass the requests from the employer through ethical processes, examine their legal aspects very well, and then share them with the employees through appropriate communication channels and preferring open communication as much as possible.

Gulbahar Gurbuz

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